Monday, December 2, 2013

Leo is ONE!!

So this is not an adventure post, but I wanted to document some things, and since I seem to have lost Leo's baby book somewhere in our move, I wanted to write about him someplace that I wouldn't lose it. 
On Nov 29, Leo turned one! I cant believe its been a year since we met this little guy. Our lives are so different and so much better in such a short time.   

Picking one sprinkle at a time off his cupcake. He loves his pincer grasp :)
Here is a snapshot of Leo at one:
-He still loves to be outside. I can take him hiking, for walks, bike rides, or anything really, and I barely hear a peep out of him. He just stares around taking it all in and seems to love wind in his face.
-He loves avocado, peas, black beans, and banana. and ICE CREAM! he knows what it is and will crawl over hill and high water to get it. He will eat just about anything you put in front of him. Except chicken. We tried that and he blatantly threw it. 
-He likes to throw his food off his tray, but usually waits until you are looking. Or he will just hold it off the side and drop it. Many times he will whine to get down, just so he can go eat the food he threw. He likes to eat it off the floor i guess :)
- he loves music. Any toy that plays music is his favorite., especially the table that he can stand next to and push all the instrument buttons. He rocks his hips back and forth, dancing constantly. He often will pause while crawling to dance a bit to any music he may hear (the clock chiming, the radio, etc).
- he loves animals, always getting so excited about the chickens in the back yard or the dogs we see out and about.
- He is very much a momma's boy. He cries when i leave the room, and showers me with cuddles and kisses most of the day. He loves to cuddle. He also loves to bite. Many times, he will bite my arms, shoulders, chest, or knees, whatever he can reach. Hoping he grows out of THAT stage soon...
- he could walk, but seems to want to wait a little longer. He has taken steps back and forth with us, but wont do it on demand. however, he loves to push things around, using any object as a walker (stool, chair, bike, whatever will move forward across the floor).
- He has a temper! Anytime he hits a wall or dead end with said walker, he screams and pouts, and sometimes will just drop to the floor and throw a fit, depending on how tired he is. 
- he is always trying to fit through small spaces- under chairs, behind couches, he loves to tunnel through things and burrow. 
- Overall, he is still the happy and laid back baby that we've known since the beginning :) Even though I am looking forward to watching him grow and learn, I still feel a little sad that one day he will turn into a big kid 
:(. I wouldnt mind if he stayed one forever. If he would only sleep through the night....